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Getting Support to Preach
Les Maydell

Would you like to be supported to preach, partly or full-time? These are some things you need to be doing NOW so that one day the brethren will have the confidence to support you.

  1. Have a good reputation where you are, Acts 16:1-2. In order to be well-spoken of by brethren you will need to have a good moral character: to be honest, sexually pure, dependable, faithful, knowledgeable about God’s word, and hard-working. A preacher must have the self-discipline necessary to work “as to the Lord” (Col.3:23). He must do the Lord’s work without anyone standing over him and pushing him. A good reputation is something that is built over time. Do not expect brethren to support you until you prove yourself worthy over time.
  2. Have the support of your family. Do not expect churches to support you if your wife is not a faithful Christian (1 Cor.9:5) or if your children that are still living under your roof are sexually impure, or if your family is a bad example in any way, 1 Tim.4:12. Just as people will despise a man who is not what he ought to be, so they will despise a man whose family is not the example they should be.
  3. Develop a good knowledge of God’s word (doctrine), and be a person who is continually studying and growing in this area, 1 Tim.4:12-16.
  4. Develop the ability to rebuke, reprove, correct, instruct in righteousness and exhort, 2 Tim.3:16 - 4:2. Have an attitude of humility so that you are able to do this in a patient, noncontentious way, 2 Tim.2:24-25.
  5. Prove yourself capable of doing the job. Barnabas and Saul proved themselves trustworthy, capable servants of God before the Holy Spirit commanded the church at Antioch to send them out (supporting them), Acts 11:29-30, 12:25, 13:1-3.
  6. Jesus called His apostles when they were busy working at other jobs. Do not expect to be supported to preach because you are unemployed!
  7. Be willing to preach without financial reward, 1 Tim.6:8-11. Express your desire to be supported to preach, but do not let lack of support keep you from preaching! If you do good work, and you preach because it is like fire in your bones (Jer.20:9), the Lord will see to it that you get what He feels you need to carry on your work, 2 Cor.9:8.
  8. Do not expect other churches to allow themselves to be robbed when the local church is capable of supporting you, 2 Cor.8:13. Even if the local congregation cannot support you totally, they should be willing to contribute something towards your support. If you cannot convince the people who really know you that you are worthy of support, why should others support you?
  9. Be willing to sacrifice – financially, physically, and emotionally to prove to others that you are really serious about preaching, 2 Tim.2:3. Every good preacher and his family will endure hardship, even if they have adequate support. Notice in 2 Cor.6:4-5 that some of the hardships are due to persecution (stripes, imprisonments, tumults). However, some are simply due to circumstances that befall all preachers (tribulations, needs, distresses) and some are due simply to the fact that the preacher is doing his job! (Labors, sleeplessness, fastings)
  10. If you are getting some support from the brethren where you are, but need to write letters to ask for additional support, send references that potential supporters can contact to hear what kind of person you are and the work you do. Send the names, addresses and/or phone numbers of respected brethren who know you well, especially from your home congregation, Acts 18:27, Col.4:7-11, Rom.16:1-2. Local brethren should not recommend you if you are not working hard, if your manner of life is not Christ-like, or if you are living a life-style above the rest of the congregation.
  11. Send/give reports of your work to those who are interested, and, if you do get support, faithfully send reports of your work to them, Acts 14:27.
  12. Above all, have a sincere love in your heart for the brethren and for the lost, 2 Cor.6:6, 11:28-29, 12:15; 1 Thess.2:7-9. When you are busy from house to house, helping brethren with their spiritual needs and winning the lost to Christ, the brethren and new converts will be encouraged to support you from their grateful hearts. (Phil.4:10,16,18)

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