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Ron Daly

I would like your help on an issue pertaining to the word "porneia." Some now claim that looking at pornographic literature, etc. is porneia. Can you elucidate on that?

I am finally able to give brief attention to the question regarding porneia. It has been quite busy here since Thelma and I returned Saturday evening.

The spin that I have heard on porneia has been in connection with divorce and remarriage. It goes something like this, "The Greek word porneia means immorality. Looking at pornographic literature is immoral. Therefore, looking at pornographic literature is porneia."

Then the proponents of the theory take a giant leap and argue like this: "Since looking at pornographic literature is porneia, and since Jesus says porneia is the basis for divorcing a mate and marrying another person, then one may divorce a mate and marry another persion of the mate looks at pornographic literature."

So, we are back to the original question: is looking at pornographic literatuer porneia?

1. To define porneia as "immorality" is inaccurate. It is immoral to practice of defend abortion. It is immoral to use vulgar language. It is immoral to be a racist. If the proponents of the view are correct, that looking at pornography is porneia, then they have opened a pandora's box of reasons for divorce and remarriage.

2. The truth is, the word porneia is used to describe sexual immorality, the nature of which is the committing of a sex act (that is, having sexual intercourse) with a person who is not one's mate. Hebrews 13:4 clearly shows that porneia describes a sex act. "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers." This text uses both "sexually immoral and adulterers" to describe those who defile the marriage bed. "Bed" translates koite, which describes the place for legitimate sexual intercourse, that is, the marriage bed.

Inasmuch as the word porneia is used to describe sexual activity (sexual intercourse) in the new covenant, it does not include looking at pornographic literature unless one can commit a physical sex act with his eyes. If such were possible, it would give a whole new meaning to the expression "baby" blue eyes!

I hope this helps in some small way dear brother.

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