Fellow Workers In Christ Jesus | Aquila & Priscilla

Author : William Stewart
reprinted from “…And They Shall Become One Flesh” available on Amazon.com in Kindle format.

Greek Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, who risked their own necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles. (Romans 16:3-4)

Working Together In Christ

Solomon once penned,

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the place where you are going. (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

From what is revealed to us about Aquila and Priscilla, they were the type to give themselves to any good work they could find to do. Take a look at what the Scriptures reveal about them:

  • they had Jewish ancestry (Acts 18:2)
  • they worked together as tent makers (Acts 18:3)
  • they journeyed with Paul at times (Acts 18:18)
  • they taught the gospel together (Acts 18:26)
  • they sacrificed themselves for the gospel (Romans 16:3-4)
  • they traveled a lot. They had lived in Rome (Acts 18:2), Corinth (Acts 18:1-3), Ephesians (Acts 18:19), back to Rome (Romans 16:3-4), and then back to Ephesus again (2 Timothy 4:19)
  • the church met in their home in both Ephesus and Rome (1 Corinthians 16:19; Romans 16:3-4)

It is noteworthy that every time we read about Aquila and Priscilla, they are mentioned together. There is no point that we are aware of, when one engaged in the Lord’s work without the other. When Paul left Corinth and journeyed to Ephesus to preach, Aquila did not go and leave Priscilla behind. They went together (Acts 18:18-19).

Years later, when Paul wrote to the church at Rome, in his greeting, he wrote, “Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus” (Romans 16:3)

He did not send greetings to Aquila, his fellow worker, and his unnamed wife also. Paul considered them to be equally important as fellow labourers in the work of the gospel. He went on to say that they “…risked their own necks for my life…” (Romans 16:4) and that both he and the churches of the Gentiles were thankful to them.

Sometime after this, Paul was again imprisoned in Rome, and Aquila and Priscilla were back in the city of Ephesus. At the end of his second epistle to Timothy, the apostle wrote, “Greet Prisca and Aquila” (2 Timothy  4:19). Again, the indication is that they were equally important to Paul and the Lord – a couple who together were labourers in the cause of Christ. It is noteworthy that in both greetings (Romans & 2 Timothy), Paul lists Priscilla first. She is not just a tag-along wife – she was a valued worker.

When couples shared together in the work of the Lord, there is benefit to all involved. The marriage will profit, as the threefold cord (Ecclesiastes 4:12), husband, wife and the Lord, will be drawn closer together. The local church will benefit, for strong faithful families are an essential ingredient for a strong faithful church. And those who do not know the truth will benefit, for the couple is focused on teaching God’s word, and will employ their mutual skills to that end.

Working Together, Period

Not only did Aquila and Priscilla work together in serving the Lord, but they also worked with one another providing sustenance for themselves. Acts 18:3 reveals that they were tentmakers by trade. This is the only reference to their secular work, but certainly it is a trade in which they would find work regardless where they journeyed.

It might be inferred from just the single mention of their trade; their lives were not wrapped up in their work. It was a means of providing for their needs; but their primary focus was upon the Lord and His cause. When the principal identifying mark of an individual or a couple is what their secular work is, there is a need for a change of focus. Many in today’s world are concentrated almost exclusively on work, work, work. This life is not about the attainment of status, wealth or personal satisfaction in a job – this life is a place of preparation for the next life – eternity.

In working together, Aquila and Priscilla had the wonderful opportunity to spend most of their time together. A couple ought to desire to spend time with one another, whether it is in work or play. What a blessing for them, to see each other and enjoy one another’s company throughout the greater part of the day. Of course, not all of us are able to share as much time with our spouses each day as Aquila and Priscilla did. However, let us be sure to make the most of the time we do have with our spouse.

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