
by Keith Sharp


Zechariah (“Whom the Lord Remembers”), as the former prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel, was a priest. He was among those who returned with Zerubbabel from Babylon to Jerusalem in 536 B.C. (1:1; cf. Neh. 12:1,4,16).


Zechariah began to prophesy in 520 BC (1:1), two months after Haggai’s prophetic service began. He helped Haggai exhort the people to build the temple (Ezra 5:1; 6:14). He received more revelation two years later (7:1). He was a young man at this time (2:3-4), and there is evidence he wrote chapters 9-14 years later under different conditions.


The theme of Zechariah is Return to the Lord (1:3). The people were to return to the Lord by finishing the Temple (4:6-10) and by obeying the Lord (7:4-7). The result would be glory for Israel (6:12-13; 14:8-9).


Zechariah is the longest of the minor prophets and one of the most difficult to comprehend of all the Old Testament books. Zechariah ranks with Isaiah as a prophet who looked beyond the Old Testament to the time of Christ (cf. 6:12-13; 9:9-10; 11:10-14; 12:10; 13:1-2,7-9; 14:8-9). The book is the most like the book of Revelation of all the minor prophets in that its revelations were given through angels by means of visions and communicated in symbols. Christ is presented as “the Branch” of David, the Servant of the Lord (6:12-13).


I. Return to the Lord – chapters 1-6
A. Call to Return – 1:1-6
B. 8 Night Visions – 1:7 – 6:8
C. High Priest Crowned – 6:9-15
II. Question of Fasting & Lord’s Answer – chapters 7-8
III. World Powers & Kingdom of God – chapters 9-14

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