
by Keith Sharp

According to christianliferesources.com, since 1973 (Roe vs. Wade) approximately 67,460,000 legal abortions have occurred in the U.S. In contrast, approximately 1,300,000 American soldiers have been killed in battle since 1775. In comparison to the killing of the unborn in America today, Pharaoh’s murder of the Hebrew baby boys (Exodus 1:15-22) would not make the front page, Herod’s destruction of the babes in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:13-18) was a minor incident, and Hitler’s savage slaughter of 6 million Jews wouldn’t rate headlines.

When Mary was pregnant with Jesus and went to visit her cousin Elisabeth, who was pregnant with John, Luke records of Elisabeth, “the babe leaped in her womb” (Luke 1:41). John, when as yet a fetus in Elisabeth’s womb, was called by the Holy Spirit a “’babe.” This word (Greek “brephos”) is also used to describe Jesus as a newborn infant (Luke 2:12), the evangelist Timothy as a young child (2 Timothy 3:15), infants brought to Jesus (Luke 18:15), and the children Pharaoh had killed (Acts 7:19).

Not only is the fetus in the mother’s womb a baby, it has emotions. Elizabeth exultantly informed Mary, “the babe leaped in my womb for joy” (Luke 2:16).

Little babies are, of all people, innocent (Matthew 18:1-4; 19:13-14; 1 Corinthians 14:20, NASB,
NEV). A primary reason the Lord God destroyed ancient Judah was for murdering “the
innocents,” their own babies (Jeremiah 19:2-5). How long can this wicked nation endure?

I recently asked a friend who favors abortion, What is the difference between abortion and the
Holocaust? He had no answer. Actually, abortion is worse. In abortion, all the murder victims are innocent.

The New Testament makes no distinction between the nature of an unborn child and one already born. To kill the unborn is no different than Pharaoh’s slaughter of the Hebrew babes.

And remember, both Pharaoh and Herod acted under the approval of the law of the land. How
can anyone favor abortion on demand and at the same time oppose brutal child abuse? What is
more brutal than killing?

The unborn child is a person. Give him/her the same love God demands we give all people,
especially innocent, helpless people. Stop killing babies!

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