
Author : Keith Sharp


The book of Nehemiah is named for its author and chief character (1:1). Nehemiah was cupbearer to King Artaxerxes I of Persia (1:11; 2:1), who appointed him governor of Judah for twelve years, from 445 to 433 B.C. (5:14) and then allowed him to return as governor again (13:6-7). Nehemiah loved his people the Jews deeply (1:1-4) and was a man of prayer (1:4-5; 2:4), courage (4:7-20; 6:10-14), tireless energy in working for the Lord (4:21-23), extraordinary zeal for the Law of God (5:1-13; 13:4-31) and generosity (5:14-19). Above all, he was a man of deep faith (1:5; 2:20).


The twin themes of Nehemiah are rebuilding and restoration. Chapters one through seven record how Nehemiah led the Jews to repair the walls of Jerusalem and repopulate the capital city. Chapters eight through thirteen relate the restoration of the law effected by Ezra and Nehemiah.


The book relates events from the time Nehemiah learned of the sad plight of his people in Jerusalem in 445 B.C. (1:1-3) through the twelve years of Nehemiah’s governorship (5:14) and until he was sent again as governor (13:6-7). The contemporaries of Nehemiah were Ezra the priest and Malachi the prophet.

Nehemiah was serving King Artaxerxes in Shushan (Susa) the capital of Persia in 445 B.C. when word came to him of the desperate straits of the Jews in Judah (1:1-3). Nehemiah wept, mourned and prayed to God about this problem (1:4-11). King Artaxerxes granted his request to go to Jerusalem and rebuild the city (2:1-8). He was immediately opposed by the Gentiles in Palestine, led by Sanbalat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arab (2:10,19). After secretly surveying the situation at night (2:11-16), Nehemiah revealed his plans to the leaders of the people (2:16-20). The people were willing to work (2:18) and rebuilt the wall and gates of the city in an astonishing fifty-two days! (chapter 3:6,15) In doing so they overcame the opposition of their enemies manifested in mockery (4:1-6), threats (4:7-23), offers of compromise (6:1-4), and lies (6:5-14). They also had to overcome the sins of their nobles (chapter 5), some of whom did not join in the work (3:5). The people accomplished this great task because God was with them (2:20) and they worked willingly (4:6). The Jews were then able to dwell safely in Jerusalem and in their cities around Palestine (chapter 7).

When this great work was completed, Ezra read and expounded the Law to the people (8:1-8). A great holy day was proclaimed (8:9-12), and the festival of booths was celebrated in a manner unknown since the days of Joshua (8:13-18). Israel separated themselves from foreigners and confessed their sins to God (chapter 9). Ezra led the people in renewing the covenant with the Lord and in supporting the priests and Levites (chapter 10). The leaders of the people and another tenth of the people were selected to dwell in Jerusalem, the holy city (chapter 11). The wall was dedicated with joy, and the Levites and priests received their portions (chapter 12). Israel separated themselves from the Gentiles (13:1-3). Finally, Nehemiah, upon his return from Shushan, separated all Gentiles from the Temple (13:4-10), insured that the priests and Levites would be supported (13:10-14), restored the Sabbath (13:15-22) and forbade the people to marry the pagans of the land (13:23-31).


A. Rebuilding the Walls – chapters 1-7
1. Nehemiah Goes to Jerusalem – chapter 1-2
2. The Jews Rebuild the Wall – chapter 3
3. They Overcome Opposition – chapters 4-6
……a. mockery – 4:1-6
……b. warfare – 4:7-23
……c. sin within the city: usury and slavery – chapter 5
……d. compromise – 6:1-4
……e. lying – 6:5-14
……f. victory! 6:15-19
4. Nehemiah Sets the Cities in Order and Conducts a Census – chapter 7

B. Restoring the Law – chapters 8-13
1. Ezra Restores Observation of the Law – chapter 8
2. The People Confess Their Sins – chapter 9
3. Israel Renews the Covenant with the Lord – chapter 10
4. The Census – 11:1-12:26
……a. People – chapter 11
……b. Priests and Levites – 12:1-26
5. Nehemiah Dedicates the Wall – 12:27-43
6. Organization of the Temple Service – 12:44-47
7. Nehemiah Reforms Israel – chapter 13

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