Question from New York about Divorce


Is the exception for divorce in Matthew 5:32 granted to the woman/wife also, or limited only to the man/husband? I was curious about your understanding of this verse.


Thanks for asking. Jesus’ teaching against divorce is directed to men (Matthew 5:31-32; 19:3-12; Luke 16:18) because His audience was Jews (Matthew 15:24) who were under the Law (Matthew 5:17-19), and under the Law only the husband had the right to divorce (Deuteronomy 24:1-4). However, in Mark’s record, which seems to have been written to Romans, the Lord applies His teaching on divorce equally to men and women (Mark 10:11-12). The apostle Paul, writing after the Law was abrogated, also applies his teaching equally to men and women (1 Corinthians 7:10-16). I conclude that the New Testament law of divorce/remarriage applies equally to men and women.

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